Better Pay for Care Workers

As a popular retirement destination, South East Cornwall has a high proportion of older people. Many of our oldest residents depend on Social Care Workers who enable them to keep living safely in their own homes, or help to look after them when they come home from hospital.
Most care providers would love to pay higher wages to their staff but cannot afford to do so due to inadequate funding from Cornwall Council. This has left many care providers desperately short of staff. If the Government adopted the Liberal Democrat policy of paying care workers £2 per hour above the National Living Wage, thousands of care workers in Cornwall would see their hourly wage rise to £13.44. This would enable care providers to recruit the staff they need; helping every patient to leave hospital as soon as they are ready. This would have a huge positive impact on our desperately over-stretched National Health Service.
Picture shows Jim Candy outside the Restgarth Care Home in Polperro, Jim is the Liberal Democrat Candidate for the Cornwall Council By-Election to be held on 4th April 2024.